Reflection brighter than reality


I’ve had a look around for a solution to this and found people with similar problems, but not that match mine.

The reflection of a masonry wall, which is a displacement material, shows brighter in the reflection than in reality.

If I change the masonry texture, I still get the same odd effect, so I’m inclined to think it’s an issue with the stainless steel material I’m using (I’ve uploaded the settings for this).

I’m using version

I mean, have you tried with the color, when you go to the color, the one at the bottom has the quantity 100, try to decrease it to 80 0 75. It’s not the texture that’s the problem, but the map adjustments of some PBRs, when you use AO you know that the material becomes a little dark if it is increased, then the roughness with less specularity with the action of light no longer has that dazzling reflection but a somewhat opaque granular reflection that is close to iron.
More than that I don’t know what to say.
Good work

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