Real Displacement

Would definitely love to have real displacement added to D5.

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insane wow

absoluteley yesss… this is the main feature that D5 team should take seriously…definetly…

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This feature should be on the highest list of priorities by the D5 team. It would be the biggest current improvement!


Dont think its coming anytime soon :frowning:

Would love this feature as well.

Hi D5’s Team,
I’ve been using D5 for a while now. And I really think that it’s time to get around with your team and to push the “real displacement” on the top of your priority thing to do.
Since I’m using D5 (around 3 years now), I’m always promoting D5 for it’s super realistic and very intuitive use. But nowadays, how could we realise realistic render without having the possibilities to work with real displacement ?
It’s the hugest lack of this software and unfortunatly, it as been for too long now.
So please, make it your priority asap :pray:


To bad…still just under review! I hope they see the importance of real displacement!


Unfortunately I’ve been seing the “real displacement” in the under-review category for a very very long time… It has to come true now


It’s been under review for such a long time and I believe for a good reason. Using tessellation displacement is quite complicated and resource intensive, especially in a live-preview software like D5. Hopefully now with Unreal Engine 5.4 new nanite-tessellation it will be easier to implement. Fingers crossed


that would be amazing

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Supported!! After 3 years I see this is still not included. I would love to see better displacement as the bump mapping currently is absolutely useless at certain angles. It means that I have to either model all displacement, or not use D5 for those renders. Very limiting!

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Still waiting for real displacement. Bored new AI features are the only thing they want.

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We really need this, please please PLEASE :frowning:

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because using the D5 displacement in animation is impossible
As shown here

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It is urgent that we have a real displacement. It is a shame what we went through with D5 render without a decent displacement. 3 YEARS without a response from the team.

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Lumion has had this feature for a few years now and was a game changer then. This is one of the few things I believe D5 is really lacking in terms of its competitors.

The speed at which the d5 team implements ideas and requests is so slow that a real displacement will never get any kind of attention from them.

And right now with Lumion having real raytracing and probably pathtracing in the next updates… I’m very annoyed about the performance with D5 Render when you start adding vegetation to the scene, because everything is getting slow dropping the frames to 10 or 15… and is almost a nightmare to work with.

Lumion has been around much longer than D5. The D5 team releases regular updates with lots of oustanding features. Be patient.
You can check the Ideas & Requests section. There you can see, what´s planned.
If you are on the run, change the software.