Question about Roadmap

Dear D5 team,

I am looking for more information or description about some entries in the D5 Render Roadmap. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find more information.


Could you please elaborate what exactly the “Animation System” is? Is it a real geometry/mesh animation system like in Maya/Blender or is it something completely different.
Our company really wants to start doing 3D animations but since most 3D animation programs don’t work with SketchUp, we are unable to find a suitable animation/rendering program. D5 Render is on our wishlist and we are waiting for this feature to be released, to see if it will help us. I would really appreciate some more information about what exactly this upcoming feature is? And if it’s not a secret, please do tell us if this animation system will be released with the next 2.5 version. Thank you very much!


Also curious about this one. Does this mean we will see a proxy box of the D5 3D asset in the SketchUp viewport?

Hi mate, D5 is mainly real-time rendering software with pixel-level precision.

Regarding the animation system, Compared with Maya/Blender, Our optimization is more focused on architectural (Landscape/ Interior) visualization videos, improving efficiency and quality in an easy way, and we currently do not tend to create complex model animations.

For the D5 Converter, unlike Enscape, you will not see the proxy box in Sketchup, It means you can sync models from different modeling software. the assets in D5 you put will not show in Sketchup.

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Hi Bruce,

thank you for your reply!

D5 can already do simple object keyframe animations (rotate, scale, move etc). My question was about the upcoming “Animation System” in the Roadmap. Can you say what that “Animation System” will do, because your reply didn’t explain it. :blush:

Hi viggo.paulman, The optimizations that will be prioritized for implementation are related to camera animation:

  1. Support for camera import
  2. Display and editing of camera motion paths
  3. Camera motion templates

Apart from camera animation, what else would you recommend prioritizing?

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Hello Bruce! Thank you again for clarifying. While it’s sad that this new upcoming feature is not about object animation, it’s still exciting to know that camera animation will be updated.

Thank you also for asking my opinion. I would suggest to display detailed camera properties per keyframe/shot. For example in Enscape every SketchUp Scene shows a camera’s position and angles:

For our business (furniture 3D visualisation) this is one of the most crucial things, as we need to make sure that every piece of furniture is rendered from the same pitch/yaw angle. As you might know, SketchUp has no way of setting these parameters natively, so this feature in Enscape is very helpful.

It would be great to have this feature in D5 Render as well. Most of our work is currently done with Enscape but we are hoping to switch to D5 Render in the future, because the rendering quality of D5 Render is superior to Enscape. The reason we’re not switching now is because Enscape has several features that D5 doesn’t have and they are crucial for our work. Some of those features are:

- Camera properties (XYZ position, pitch/yaw angle and sun Azimuth/Altitude angle) per SketchUp scene
Allows us to accurately and very precisely define camera angles, which is needed, because every furniture piece must be rendered from the same angle.

- Display of 3D assets in the SketchUp window as a proxy/box
The most imporant feature that D5 Render is currently lacking, and the feature that mostly prevents us from switching to D5. Allows us to very precisely position 3D assets onto surfaces or perfectly align/snap them to edges or surfaces. This is important because whenever we tried to put D5 assets (books) into our furniture, we could never position them accurately and there was always either a gap or we could never center 3D assets in the middle of our furniture.

- Lack of transparent PNG export
We batch render our furniture and the number of renderings can reach as high as 120 per project. D5 can export a sky mask, but it’ll take additional hours for us to separate the background from the furniture in every single shot. Enscape can render a PNG file with a transparent background in one click.

- Layer switching based on each camera scene
Each of our camera scenes turns on/off different layers. This is important, because it allows us to save time and files, as we can keep variants of the current furniture in the same SKP file and render different variants based on layers and camera scenes. This is sadly not yet possible in D5 but I was told that this will come in the future.

If you could pass this message to your development team for consideration I would be very thankful to you. We really want to switch to D5 and use your Pro subscriptions for our 3D team, but these missing features are preventing us so far. We’re waiting until one day D5 will have these, to switch. :slight_smile: Thank you again!

Of course, I will pass your opinion to my team. Thank you so much to give so many detailed suggestions and talk about the difference between the Enscape and D5.

As a D5 member, I receive different requests every day, I really hope we can satisfy these requests as soon as possible. Anyway, we will keep improving our software, please stay tuned! Thank you again.

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