D5 v2.6 pro
rtx 3090 and rtx3070
The water refraction does not work correctly. I saw no other mention about this. If I have a pool of water and I look at it at an angle, then the pool should look more shallow. If I flip the geometry normals inside out and use a weird refraction index of 1.02, this effect shows up partially with glitches. otherwise the pool looks like rippled glass. Is there something I can do about this?
Hi. @coralstudio,
If it’s convenient, can you send the scene file (The entire folder where the .drs file is located) to me or to support@d5techs.com? We will check. Thanks in advance.
Hi @coralstudio,
We have received your file. I suppose this is a normal phenomenon for now. D5 can only correctly process materials with positive normal orientation, especially water and transparent material template. If the normal is reversed in the model, the reflection effect is highly probably wrong. So, we always recommend checking that all surfaces are positive in the modelling software before importing the file into D5. In Sketchup, you can use this mode to check that surfaces are positive or negative.
Hi @Leah_Li. Thank you for the reply. I am aware of the positive normals. My point is that the water material does not refract correctly, as the glass material does. And my question is, can I do anything about that?
Hi, please try to adjust the value of Refraction of water to its best effect. The effects of water and transparent templates are different with same value of Refraction indeed.
Hi @coralstudio.
want to share this info with you. I have confirmed with our team. In D5, Normal and Refraction two parameters of the water material are linked. Water material template and flowing water material template are so-called ‘single layer water’, the principle is not quite the same as the transparent material template. The effect of glass is more physically correct. Single layer water just makes a perturbation based on the normal, to achieve the effect of a thin sheet of water. So, the refraction of water and glass material is sometimes not the same under the same settings. Thanks for your findings and sharing!