Pro logging in difficulty

I’m having problems logging in to my pro account. A message comes up saying "the account login device exceeds the limit, please unbind the device and try again.
I am certain that I am not logged in on another computer, what does ‘unbind the device’ mean? - thank you.

can i ask about the version you use? recently i have a same problem…

Hello, have you reinstalled your computer’s system?

@david3 @ekaputri210403

Hi guys, If you are sure you have not changed the device including motherboards/hard drives (including re-plugging/changing hard drive order in bios), and reinstalled the system. Please tell us the account info and send the log files to us for troubleshooting.

Also, you can check the binding information in the personal center which can unbind the devices here.

How to collect log files:
D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM

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Thanks for the reply, Bruce - I have now realised it was because too many devices were bound in and I understand the process.

Thank you for your update.