hi anyone’s figured out how to use imported HDRI in d5? i downloaded several hdri from polyhaven and tried importing as 2k and 4k. everytime d5 would zoom way into the image making it very blurry. i’ve read a d5 blog posted november of 2024 as well on using hdri of the correct sizes (ex. 2k = 1024 x 2048) and ensured my images were the right size. but the zoom in issue continue to arise. anyone got a solution
I apologize for the inconvenience. Could you please provide a screenshot of the preview screen? This will help us see the image size in relation to the scene. Additionally, did you encounter this issue with other HDRI images from the same website? If possible, please share those images so I can test them on my end as well.
Hi @RRR Apologies for the delayed response. We are aware of this issue and we’re working towards resolving it. For now, you can make use of HDRI maps from other sources. Thank you