Photo matching

Little update about this feature ?
I really consider to switch to D5 for our company but this feature is the last condition.
I work in an architecture company and need it so much.
Hope to see it soon.
Thanks and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hi mate, Can you tell me the specific situation for using photo-matching? what kind of workflow do you use in your architecture company? If it is important and necessary in the design process, I will help report it to accelerate the speed of developing this function.


Sorry Bruce.W, did not seen your reply.
Usually, we need to produce picture of project in situ. So we use photo of the future location, remove existant building and put our project. With 3ds max, there is photo matching feature, and actually, Lumion propose 2 options :Overlay (Effects: The Overlay Image Effect – Lumion) and photo-matching. I don’t use this last one.
But Overlay is usefull : put a picture in background and we can change the opacity level.
i use it a lot.


is there any progress with this request (photo matching for backgrounds)? When can we expect to see results? anytime soon?


I’m still waiting for that tool too… would be great to do it with marking 3 points in space and on photo and program will do rest…


I’m waiting too, the sketchup photomatching tool doesnt match the d5 viewport. A dedicated D5 camera matching tool would be so valuable!


Me uno a tu peticion seria fenomenal agregar esta herramienta. saludos


Hey all
No news about photomatch or any solution to add a fixed background image with transparency ?


Yes please, I fully agree. We need photo match in D5. I love D%, I am an addict. Thank you so much for this magic program


We are waiting photomatching since 2021. Please do something for this. We dont want to use different ways for solutions. We want a feature inside of D5. Other ways take so much time and we cant understand what is the result. It should be inside of D5. Please listen and help us. Thanks


Its already July 2024 and still nothing…


the only thing stopping me of using d5 Render as an architect here at my work is the photo matching. it doesnt have to be complecated. Just check “image overlay” from Lumion. I dont even use photo matching there. just this image overlay is enough. please add it asap!!


Hey @Oliver.J Will you keep your promise? Please give us some feedback or information?


Dear D5 Techs,

Please see below photomatching feature available in Lumion below. Hopefully you can intergrate something similar or better! :slight_smile:


Yes it would be great : At the moment, I’m obliged to produce a fully mapped version for my customers for landscape insertion using Sketchup and Vray, since skp supports photo matching.
Then I start all over again in D5 to create an animation…


Dear D5 Team! This would be one of the most important thing! Please add this feature ASAP!


some tip. Photos are very often distorted somehow, so it could be simplyfied a little like: Pointing 3 (or more points… avareging) in photo, which are known in 3d space!


Despite all these requests, this option is still Under Review ?
Architects and perspectivists need it !!


Will love to have this Feature,I migrated from Lumion and it was a really usefull feature to work on quick proposals and final photomontages.


First, I’m early user of D5 and I never thought you went so far. Nice job D5 team.
I would like to talk about what is 3D and why photo match is essential.
We make 3D to show futur project to customer, some of them didnt project them in the futur and are not able to realise what it will look like.

We make nice 3D render but people love to see their futur house, building,… In environnement they know well. The surprise is bigger.
I use match photo on sketchup and the most of soft render take sketchup scène and ask me the final picture size.

I often be able to load the real picture in background too.
It’s easy, it works and with photoshop this is nice.
When I open the sketchup model, D5 seems to have the sketchup scene but it doesn’t fit.
I tried to change camera settings (fov) and out same value as sketchup but it doesn’t fit.
I really think it could be so important to be able to load sketchup scene with exact same position and camera angle.
Second détail.
Imagine I load a sketchup model, I have my scènes.
I add people, materials, 3D model, put settings,…
If customer asks me new point of view, I can add it in sketchup but If I reload the sketchup model, scène are not reload.
It’s impossible to export D5 scene and import it in new D5 project.
So if I add sketchup view and want to render it. I have to start from beginning.

I think D5 team should think about export D5 model and import.
Of be able to reload sketchup scene when we reload.

I was long, sorry, but asking for request is good but explain why is essential for me.
Users of D5 are architect or designers, they use photo match and as you know, customer always asks for changes until the end, so we need to be able to reload easily.

Best regards.