Persistent Crashes with D5 Render 2.4 and Above: Seeking a Real Solution

Hello, my name is Jose Betances @perspectivaavs , im an architect from DR and i own a small rendering and achitecture firm.

Since updating to version 2.4, working with D5 Render has become an almost impossible task. The software’s frequent crashes have rendered it highly unstable and inconvenient to use. Despite seeking assistance from D5 Render’s support team and implementing various suggested solutions such as updating drivers, rolling back to previous NVIDIA drivers, reinstalling the software, installing it on a new disk, upgrading to a fresh copy of Windows 11, the program still persists with the exact same problem. This article aims to shed light on the ongoing challenges faced by users and call for an effective solution.

The Unstable Nature of D5 Render 2.4 and above:
D5 Render, a once-promising program for architectural visualization, has become an erratic tool following the update to version 2.4. Users, including myself, have experienced frequent crashes and instability while working within the software. These crashes disrupt the workflow, hinder productivity, and erode confidence in the program’s reliability.

Efforts to Resolve the Issues:
When the issues first emerged, I sought assistance from the D5 Render support team. They provided several troubleshooting steps, such as updating graphics drivers, rolling back to previous versions of NVIDIA drivers, and reinstalling the software. However, these measures proved ineffective, and the program’s instability persisted.

In an attempt to isolate the problem, I installed D5 Render on a new disk and even upgraded to Windows 11, expecting that a clean installation would alleviate the issues. Regrettably, these efforts failed to bring about any significant improvement. Despite having a fully updated and compatible system, the crashes and instability continued unabated.

Communication with D5 Render Support:
Throughout this frustrating experience, I diligently submitted my log files to the D5 Render support team. Initially, they attributed the problems to my outdated Windows version, which led me to upgrade to the latest version. However, to my dismay, the issues persisted, leaving me exasperated and desperate for a genuine resolution.

The Need for a Real Solution:
As a user who relies on D5 Render for professional architectural visualization, I am severely impacted by the program’s instability. Productivity is hampered, deadlines are at risk, and frustration runs high. While the D5 Render support team has been responsive and offered suggestions, none of their proposed solutions have proven effective in resolving the recurring crashes.

The persistent issues with D5 Render 2.4, including frequent crashes and software instability, have significantly impeded users’ ability to work efficiently and effectively. Despite my best efforts to follow the support team’s suggestions, update drivers, change operating systems, and provide log files, the program continues to exhibit the same problematic behavior. I implore the D5 Render team to acknowledge and address these concerns promptly, providing users with a real solution that restores stability and reliability to the software. Only through such an intervention can users regain confidence in D5 Render as a dependable tool for architectural visualization.

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Hi Jose, sorry to hear that the problem still persists on your computer after all the above steps you have tried. Could you let us know how large your computer’s RAM frequency is?
If it is DDR5, please turn off XMP and make sure the frequency is 4800 or lower.

Besides, can we schedule a time for remote access troubleshooting? The crash issue is mainly related to the hardware or system compatibility with D5, so we may need to check and fix them by remote accessing.

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I will try that tomorrow to see if it works, my main goal by doing this topic is to help the D5 comunity and try to elaborate a detailed list of solutions here for everyone to try until it works. As i said, the D5 Render support team has been responsive and offered suggestions, we just need to find the right one and move forward!, thanks for your quick answer @Oliver.J

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I have 64gb GDDR4 at 3000

Did you find any solution? im having the same problem, it sudenly stoped working, cant work at all, its been over a week, tech team couldnt help me.

Hi @tp1
You can check out this post D5 crashes every 2 min - #9 by Leah_Li

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I’m here to help.

Please provide your current D5 version and system info screenshot for me. Do you have some pop-up error? Please describe it in more detail so that I can troubleshoot based on your specific situation. :pray:

Or did you contact us in another post? You can share a link with me, and I will jump to that directly and follow up to help you.

Thank you.

Hi, @tp1

“After having the same problem for years since version 2.4, believe me, I’ve tried everything. The D5 team has attempted to help me on several occasions, but the reality is that after trying so many things, I’ve come to the conclusion that no one knows exactly what causes the crash. After following every step of the procedures you can find—from disabling XMP, updating GPU drivers, lowering RAM frequencies, and uninstalling and reinstalling the software—I even went as far as buying a new power supply and RAM, thinking they were the cause of the problem. After trying everything, one day, while experimenting, I came across the Nvidia Studio Driver 546.33, and it significantly improved the software’s stability on my system. I still experience occasional crashes, but the improvement is substantial. I recommend you give it a try. Good luck!”

Hi, i contacted via email a week ago to, im desperate trying to find a solution anywhere, i sent them a bunch of info. I had the .0469 version, i installed the last one .0471 but still the same problem, i updates drivers, changed from nvidia game ready to studio, tried older versions, i installed D5 on another driver, took out my ram to see if i had a faulty one, updated the bios on my pc, etc… i dont know what else to do

I cant open or work on any of my projects, i have a bunch of missed deadlines and i really need a solution.

If i try to open a project it closes immedeately as it finish loading. When i create a new one i can work on it for a while but then it suddenly closes, and when i try to open the new job save file it does the same as all the other projects i have.

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Man that sucks, ive been using D5 for many years and its frustrating that i can no longer use it. Do you have a PC? or a laptop? cause ive seen that the 546.33 driver is for a laptops graphics, im using a PC, ill try using an older version of a driver. Thanks a lot for the reply!


i have a desktop pc , here’s the driver link: GeForce Game Ready Driver | 546.33 | Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 | NVIDIA

try to do a clean installation!, good luck! @tp1

Hi, don’t worry, please check your DM.