Painted-trees missing

hi Guys, i have a problem with these missing TREES that i made on this side of the hill (hand painted) i managed to switch them “OFF” (this green part of the hill) now i want it to be visible again for some reason i cant find it… :face_exhaling:

THanks in advance.

Hi there,

Do you perhaps mean that the trees were made using the brush tool hence the term “Painted-Trees”? Try clicking the Terrain in the Objects Tab then proceed to the Inspector, you will see a Brush Records Category and when you hover your cursor an Eye icon will appear to toggle unhide/hide.

Hope this helps, thank you.

yo bro exactly the BRUSH HISTORY i cant find it after selecting the surface this does not appear on the MENU. :joy: :melting_face:

Hi there,

I apologize for the inconvenience. Are the assets still present despite the brush history not showing? Can you send us a screenshot or video recording of your preview window? Or you can send us the project file so we can further test it since this could be a bug. You may send it to and have it titled “Clov-Forum Painted Trees Missing

  • Have you tried opening your file’s history version?
  • This issue only occurs on this specific file right?

thank u…bro… for now the fix i made is to delete the surface and re-populate the trees.

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