Out of memory

Hello, I have the same problem. Can you explain to me how you solved it? I have Asus Zephyrus g14 2022

Hi javfs7, did you encounter the error message “out of memory…”? Please let me know how large your computer’s RAM is, and what GPU does it have?

Hello! I have an AMD RX 6700s video card with 8GB, 16 GB Ram memory, AMD 6900HS processor, the scene I am testing and where I have the error is that of the restaurant (which comes as an example with the program), which loads up to 97% and is where the message appears that the video card runs out of memory. Do you think it’s strange? Since I also have another laptop, with a 6 GB RTX 2060 video card, and if it loads the scene. I hope you can help me with a solution. Thank you (translated with Google)

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