Oculus Quest 2 Transparent Material Fail

hi there!
i’ve just got the oculus quest 2 and i am having a blast while touring in my projects :')
but i have a problem about transparent materials, they appear as brigth as emissive materials or didn’t show up at all. do i need to do something about that?

Hi, for now our VR preview quality is somewhere between Middle and High. It has shades but without reflection, so transparent materials seem different from what they look like in preivew. Would you please send a few screenshots of the problem you met? We’ll check and see where we can help. The VR feature is still in beta version, so we will improve it later.

Best Regards

hi thanks for short notice :slight_smile:
i attached my preview screen and the VR screen comparisent. as you can see all of the crystal and glass materials are invisible. but the overall quality is very pleasant already! we are excited for the future so keep up the good work :dizzy:

Hi, this is normal because transparent materials don’t have reflection in VR mode. But we will improve the VR feature in Version 2.4. Thanks a lot for your feedback and support!