New Release:705 High-Quality Materials are ready in D5 Render

In this update for Interior Materials - Part Ⅱ, D5 Render brings in 485 free Interior Materials, 220 Pro Interior Materials, A total of 705 materials. including plastic, marble, metal, leather, tiles, wood, woodfloor and more.

We currently have a total of 1437 materials. Feel free to browse through our built-in asset library.

The new material types are:
1 in Plastics, 3 in Paints, 5 in Wallpaper, 16 in Metals, 65 in Wood, 90 in Fabric, 115 in Wall tiles and Floor tiles, 136 in Indoor and Outdoor Floors and 155 in Marble.

If you have other requirements about Materials, please share your opinions and requests here:


Where do I download them? Can you try to make download locations more easy to find, for new assets and new updates to the software? Thanks!

Hello @Zephyr

D5 Works will meet you request. Stay tuned.

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