I name my groups of lights linked from Sketchup but the names disapear if I close down sketchup, re-open and link again
Hi there; I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. I have tried to recreate the issue that you are experiencing, but unfortunately, I do not have the same results. I have resynced the link between SketchUp and D5 Render multiple times and grouped the Lights (from SketchUp), but it has not reverted to its default name.
Are there some steps I missed?
What is the version of your SketchUp Livesync?
- Would it be possible to send your SketchUp File and D5 Render File for further testing? Rest assured, we will uphold your privacy to the highest standards. If it is possible, you may send it to support@d5techs.com and have it titled “Clov-Forum” then briefly describe the situation or just copy paste your statements here.