Museum of Materials - Change the language

Hi guys,

Quick question on the cool Museum Materials, I am using the chinese version of D5 Render, so Museum Materials file is all in Chinese. I would like to Download and use the English version but I can’t find how I can do this.

Is there a way to use the English version ?


Is there a reason as to why you are currently using the CN Version of D5 Render? Anyway, have you tried changing the language?

If this does not work, I recommend switching to the EN Version which can be downloaded in Download | D5 Render

@clovisbolasco14 Hi,

We are using Chinese Pro version because I believe it is the only one you can use in Mainland China :rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

So the Pro account is linked with a Wechat account.

The setting language is already in English, but we still can only download the chinese version of the material library, somehow.

As you can see below language is English, but all the download files are only proposed in Chinese

I’ll try download the english just to downloard the english version of the museum library …


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Thanks for the update. I think this is somehow the limitation of having the English Language in the CN Version. Nevertheless, I may need to reconfirm it with my team.