Model update

hi, i want to ask. how can i update my skp model while working by D5? if i reload, all assets and materials will be waste. so, i want to work in D5 and skp at the same time, like in twinmotion :confused:

do you mean this reload?


how did you import skp model into D5? Using sync plugin or importing directly?
Assets will not be lost in D5 if you use the reload function normally. Unless you change the name of the material in your modelling software so that D5 recognizes it as a new material. If the save location of your model file has changed, use the ‘Replace’ function.

Unless you change the name of the material in your modelling software so that D5 recognizes it as a new material.

as mentioned earlier in other threads: please consider implementing such a “copy materials (with identical name) from selected object”-function!
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