Mirror problems

I have noticed a few more issues with mirrors in D5.

  1. First has the dark reflection issue been fixed? Left image is pre render, right image is after rendering:

  1. Why are the mirrors in clay model setting reflecting color?

  1. I have noticed the limited amount of mirror reflections. Is anyone working on a way to have this look more realistic, perhaps blurring out after about 25 reflections?

Hello! Thanks for your reporting.
For the first problem, We checked this before and this is currently a known issue with rendering. You can temporarily fix this by lowering the metallicity of the material or increasing the roughness of the material.
Regarding the second issue, I suggest you can send us the file and we will check what caused this problem.
For the last problem, in the future we may have optimisation plans for this.

Thank you for the mirror tip. I’ll try it.

As for the clay model setting, I applied the mirror to this cube, turned on clay model setting, and you can see the reflection is in color:

Sorry for this issue. Is it convenient for you to send us scene with the clay model issue? This may help us check the problem.
You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (support@d5techs.com, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)