Laptop research

Just curious if anyone is using D5 on a laptop at a commercial level. My team and I work on medium to large-scale projects and are looking at laptops with 4 series cards. Mostly interested in a laptop for convenience and flexibility. I have two questions:

  1. Does D5 natively adjust performance for a lack of VRAM, or do project files that exceed the resource limit fail to load?

  2. Has anyone experimented with using an external GPU with a laptop?

Hello, currently we are supporting the use of D5 on laptops. You can use our computers successfully if your device meets our requirements, whether it’s a laptop or a PC. For hardware issues, you can refer to this post: System Requirements for D5 Render | User Manual
On the issue of external gpu’s, you can have an external gpu to use, but that gpu needs to meet our hardware requirements as well. Currently we do not support the use of dual graphics cards, D5 will read a higher configured card.