Improve preview window image quality

Hello. I have loaded the default sample project “Minimalist Living Room” to test the performance of my machine; it’s an i7-7700, 16GB RAM, Windows 11, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (Nvidia Studio Driver Version 516.94)

I’ve noticed the preview image quality too blurry and the Display Menu shows two options “Precise” (which is selected) and “Smooth”, not “Low”, “Medium”, “High” options. With this hardware setup, is it possible to improve the Preview Image Quality to look more like the final render with sharp quality? Or would that ever be achievable with an hardware upgrade?

Hi, mate,

Please make sure your Nivida setting is in “Quality” mode.

Besides, A high-resolution screen like 4k may help to improve, but GTX1080 may be upgraded.

Thank you Bruce.
I’ve adjusted Nvidia settings but couldn’t notice any improvements in D5, even switching between Quality and Performance modes, doesn’t change much to be honest.

I think I am just gonna go and upgrade the graphics card to RTX model.

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The upgrade will most likely not influence the preview window quality, it will only render the preview and final version faster.

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Is Super Sampling in the case of D5, rendering at a higher res and downsampling, or rending at a lower res and AI upscaling (DLSS) ?

The animations and the camera movements with the GTX were too slow. I’ve installed a RTX 3060TI today and noticed changes in the color temperature specially in the reflections in the preview window, and noticed a significant speed when moving the camera around. But you are correct regarding the image sharpness, but no problem, I can render quickly now.

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I have no idea how to check if the DLLS is on, @r4ytrace. How do I do that? Is it better with DLLS on?

The Super Sampling option is on, but at first sight I can’t tell the difference between on and off to be honest.

A quick update… Changing windows display settings scale from 150% to 100% improved the image and the software interface also. Nice!


when I look at it, due to the artifacts that are introduced at the first few passes, I’d be fairly confident that Super Sampling option in this case is rendering at a lower internal resolution and AI upscaling.