Image export with different AI Enhancement Weights

Is it possible to export an image with two selected areas, each having a different AI Enhancement weight?

For example, I applied two different weights: 0.7 to one area and 0.9 to another. However, when I export the image, the entire image seems to apply the same enhancement weight. Am I missing something, or is it not possible to export an image with varying AI Enhancement w
Selection 1 0.9
eights for different sections?
Selection 2 0.7

Hi there,

I tried to replicate the process you mentioned, and the image was enhanced instead of just the selected area. I have reported this to my team. Thank you so much for pointing this out, and I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused.

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Hi there,

We have resolved this issue. Please try using the AI Enhancer tool with the specified content again. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

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Yess, it works!
Thank you

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