How to remove all brush selections

When I select various templates on different pages to use with the brush, can’t I find a way to get rid of all the selections I’ve made? I would need to know a simple and veiled way, I don’t want to look for them one by one and uncheck them.

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Ciao Gianluca,
Mi sembra che si fà allo stesso modo; cioè selezioni l’oggetto è poi con il penello da cancellletto, con la cupola rossa, cancella solo quello che hai selezionato, è l’inverso!
Spero di averti aiutato :blush: :blush: :blush:

The problem is that you have selected many plants in different subcategories, finding them all to remove the selection becomes a waste of time trying to find them.
Anyway thanks for your interest.

Hello, in the next version we will probably have a new feature which can record the painted plant types on different materials. The 2.2 beta testing will come out soon :wink:

Thank you so much Oliver.J

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This is something from another topic you could try:

Hello Antonio, first, to solve the urgent problem, please activate the eraser then unselect all plants, then I think you should be able to erase the plants. (The eraser will erase all types of painted plants if no plants are selected in assets library).

Also like to know what exactly will be changed in 2.1?
Hopefully painted grass can be switched off like paths and other objects!!

Hi Glm, when 2.2 beta starts I will let you know :wink:

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