How to make a complex glass facade

Hi all,

I would like to ask if there are anyways to create this kind of material in D5 render? With 3dsmax it would be simple with mix, blend materials but I couldnt figure it out how to make something like this in D5

I will add here a black&white map as the mask if anybody interested in.

Thank you



i have no idea how to acheive that in D5 but i’m looking forward to see the answers…!

my suggestion:
make a thin plane with the pattern material inside or just behind the glas panels

but the cloud map has grey value and it is the transform zone between white and black which make the material smoothly transformed from opacity to semi transparent and completely transparent.

ok, NOW i see the problem :crazy_face:


is the best i can achieve for now

it is a plane with cloth material in FRONT of the glass panel

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This is how it supposes to be :innocent: can you explain why it hast o be a cloth material but not normal material?

sorry, no idea. i just tried different methods