How to fix the blurry on louver wave walls and indirect lighting is no good?

I’ve render 4k resolution as well as 8k resolution of this image and still blurry on the louver wave wall part. And also the indirect lighting on it is not good. Has anyone experience like this result?

Hello. Which version of D5 are you currently using? Is it convenient to show your system info?

I also suggest you can send your scene file to us for check. You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

Hello! Thanks for the immediate response. Here is my system info

Thank you for your reply. If it’s convenient, you can send us your scene. We will check what caused your current problem and try to improve it in the future.

Sorry we can’t share the project data because it’s prohibited in our company. I hope this problem will be solve in the future.

Thanks for your feedback.
BTW, does this issue happen in other scenes? Could you reproduce it with a simple test scene? If so, you can send me a scene file that doesn’t involve your project. Of course, if this is not convenient for you, we will still note the issue and try to optimise it in the future. :heart_hands:

Just as an experiment, could u try exporting in EXR or a lossless format. As this could be also a result of jpg compression. Just thinking out loud.

Hello guys, thanks for the reply. I’ve already figured out what’s the cause of the loss detail or blurry scene. It’s just happened I turn on this widget which is the “D5 SR” to speed up the render time.

And when i render it again, with D5 SR off. The result is okay and there is just a noise part but it’s better and pretty good now.
Here is the render image
D5 SR off

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Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:

This is really helpful

Thanks for feedback.
D5 SR (D5 Super Resolution) is D5’s self-developed super-resolution sampling algorithm, combined with multi-channel rendering feature maps, based on the neural network super-scoring image generation algorithm, which can greatly accelerate the rendering speed of still-frame images.
Enabling D5 SR will speed up the rendering for images, but at the same time, some details will be lost.