How to Export D5a asset with custom thumbnail

Hello Everyone
i’m trying to export some custom asset i made for my workflow with custom thumbnail i made for each of them, but when i re-import the asset, the custom thumbnail doesn’t load with the asset.

Assuming I want to export a library of objects with customised thumbnails for another user to load into his local folder, the user will load the models automatically but not the thumbnails, which he will then have to re-enter manually? Have I understood correctly or is there a hidden function I don’t know about?

Hi mate, These two folders contain the custom models and materials, you can copy all of them.


Also, You can refer to this video for more info:
D5 Render | Adding models to local & Local asset library - YouTube

The version of D5 in the video is old, please pay attention.

Thank you mate, so if i make zip file with the folder that contain D5A models and the thumbnails, then anyone can install directly into his d5 render folder right ?

Yeah exactly