How to downgrade my 2.8 version of D5 to previous version

Before I update my d5 version, I had no problems with my works, I can render videos and photos without any problem. But ever since I updated it, my d5 kept on crashing every 5-10mins. I updated my graphics card driver and tried all sorts of solutions but nothing worked. I think it would be helpful if I downgrade my D5 version immediately so I can check if it still crashes. Thank you.

Hello, @arracastillo3017

Sorry for the unsatisfying experience. Please show me the screenshot of your system information for a check, and I am keen to resolve the issue for you. :pray:

If there’s an urgent situation, you can roll back to previous versions here, but we recommend users use the latest versions.


Hello sorry for late reply, here is the screenshot of my system information. Thanks

Thanks for the response.

I noticed that your VRAM is 4GB, which is actually pretty limited. It means your hardware will find it difficult to handle lots of heavy/large scenes.

Please always monitor the VRAM usage when running D5. If it exceeds 80%, D5 will probably crash. Please refer to this post about how to optimize your files: How to view and optimize graphics card usage? | User Manual (
