Hi everyone,
I’m trying to animate a guillotine glass system in D5 Render. In SketchUp, I used a Dynamic Component with an onClick ANIMATE function, which moves the upper glass down when interacted with. However, I realized that Dynamic Component animations don’t work in D5 Render.
I want to achieve the same effect directly in D5 Render while rendering a video—so that the glass moves down smoothly during the animation.
Is there a way to animate an object’s movement (position change) inside D5 Render? Should I use keyframes in the animation timeline, or is there another method?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi there,
That’s an interesting project
, imported animated assets are usually supported in D5 Render when they are in .abc format. If you are able to make this animation or have an .abc file that would be best. Additionally, It is possible to use keyframes but I don’t think it will have a smooth result, you’re welcome to try and share your results.
Nope. There is an “onclick” action on the SketchUp (It works only when u click on SketchUp only). And what is .abc file?
Hi there,
As of now, the SketchUp Plug-in does not have a “Sync Camera Animation” option. Additionally, .abc (alembic animated files) files are objects with a designated animation embedded into them. You can make one in 3dsMax and blender then import it to D5, if you are interested you can check this link out: Turorial | how to export .abc file
Thank you.