How to adjust the speed of rotation viewport d5 render?

How to adjust the speed of rotation viewport d5 render?

I’m specifically interested in rotation in flight mode.

I found the adjustment for movement speed, as well as acceleration with the shift key, but I can’t find anywhere how to increase the viewport rotation speed?

Currently, in “Fly” and “Walk” modes, the shortcut key ‘‘Shift’’ can be used to X4 the movement speed, and ‘‘Spacebar’’ can be used to slow down the movement speed.There is no function to adjust the speed of the rotating viewpoint yet. Conveniently, what do you want this feature to be used for? It would be a valuable suggestion to enhance our product.

To rotate the camera, I have to press and hold the right mouse button several times, which is a bit inconvenient (especially with a small camera field of view).
Currently, it feels slow (compared to other software or game controls).
It would be nice to have the ability to adjust the camera rotation speed or at least to have the camera accelerate when turning while pressing the shift key.