High Resolution Aerial Image

Please advise on the following.

How do I get an imported aerial photo in D5 Render at the highest possible resolution.

I know that Sketchup automatically lowers the resolution of imoorted images.

Is there a good way to get a high resolution image in D5 Render bypassing Sketchup perhaps?

Thank you in advance.

Hello, is it convenient to see what kind of photos you have? If you think the resolution is too low after syncing, you can try the following:

  1. If you are using D5 version 2.7 or above, you can use the Ultra HD Texture feature after syncing or importing your model by selecting base colour map in the map menu on the right side and then using the Ultra HD Texture feature. This will give you a clearer texture map.
  2. You can also import a HD texture directly into the base colour map slot after syncing or importing a model.



Thank you very much for the information, and even more so with the illustration.

Please find attached a situation which I would like to achieve with an aerial image base of a much higher resolution than that shown.

I understand that I should in D5 Render on the plane imported from Sketchup with the option indicated texture.
My doubt in achieving such an effect is based on the identical positioning, the dimensions of the aerial photograph.

Thank you again for a small suggestion.

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