Hiding tags/LiveSync

Is there a way to get LiveSync for Sketchup to sync with hiding tags (layers) or when hiding something in model? Doesn’t seem to know when something hidden. Thanks

At this time, D5 does not have the capability to sync SketchUp layers, nor does it support syncing hidden layers or models. Can you please discuss with me the scenes and reasons why you would like to see this feature implemented?

Hi. There are many times when there is a need to hide parts of the model to take still images. Rather than setting up lighting for internal spaces, I prefer to use sunlight which gives a much better render. Removing other items in the room (which are on separate tags/layers & often walls (also on tags) allows you to use the sunlight. The new section plane feature is good but would be great if there was an option to allow the sunlight to also show through for lighting purposes.
The old sync option was fine when hiding parts of model but this option has been removed.

Also, turning certain parts of model on & off is essential when taking images as not every element is needed in every image. This has been made difficult with LiveSync.

A lot of users use assets from Sketchup as well as assets from D5, there is now no way to control there visibility unless imported separately… which is time consuming.

I have just uninstalled LiveSync & reinstalled Sync. This has completely reset Sketchup so I now need to set up all of my extensions & templates… NOT happy at all…

Ok, thanks. I think I will stick with old sync for now until LiveSync is updated for layers.

Hello, Is this updated yet?

Hello, I think the latest plugin should support hiding parts of the model. Objects and layers that are hidden are also hidden in D5. You can try it.
We just update a latest version last Friday.

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Hi. Hiding objects works great but hiding layers needs re-syncing to work?

Hello, the current feature design is this way for now, but I will convey your requirements to our team. Maybe this feature will be optimised in the future.

Hello, I talked to my colleague in charge of plugin development about your advice and I think your needs are in the plan.

I hope so, as this is a very important feature for all Sketchup users. Thanks.

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