Help with terrain

Hello everyone!

What’s your work flow for setting up terrain and other surrounding elements when you need to show surrounding buildings or natural elements? (using Sketchup and 3DS max) I’m working on a beachfront villa and I am stumped on how to model the beach, ocean and neighboring building. I cannot download the area because the location doesn’t have google street view. I usually will piece together the terrain in SketchUp then add assets and materials in D5. I’m hoping to get a better understanding of how to use the terrain feature in D5 but I am finding it hard to use when the terrain needs to be as realistic as possible, not just look pretty.

any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated, Here’s a photo from the living room

Hi @john2, In the absence of an actual height map for your location, you can use the terrain tool, which allows for sculpting to achieve your desired terrain. You can also use the height map resources in the asset library, but these do not support the use of the sculpting tool.