Help with hdri become black in project

my project cannot use hdri…all hdri becoming black…

if using the default sky it will be fine…

is there any way to fix this?make a new project file is out of question…

Hello. Is this issue occurring only in specific scenes, or are you unable to use HDRI in all scenes? Are both the built-in HDRI in D5 and the HDRI you imported from external sources not working?
Maybe send this scene and your log file to us for check.
This post shows how to collect logs. D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM
You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

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its happen to all scene…already use external source hdri and internal hdri…all black…
here is the files project and log files…

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Hello. We suggest that you can use support tool to check if there is any software conflict problem. D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM

Hi OgaTatsumi, while the team will try to solve the problem, do this, try with HDRI transformed into JPG with the same size as the hdri, upload it to the D5, and see if it gives you the same problem, if it doesn’t, don’t worry which does not lose the characteristics of the light that HDRI has.Try, also to continue working.Good luck

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not sure why its kinda dif with the picture that u show…but all goods

yeah already try jpg…still the same…sure…hope u guys can have some solution…thanks a lot guys!!

I’m sorry, I thought it would solve the problem, have you tried with JPG but in PIG instead?Give it a try but make the mask Transparent

Thanks for provide this info. We will fix this.

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Hello! We tried to fix your scene by removing some content. There were some assets in your scene that had a size anomaly that caused the problem you were having before. I’ve put the fixed scene in this link so you can download it.

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thanks Luna!which content did u remove?if anything happen in the future i would know how to do myself… :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Hello. We do not recommend that users modify the archive themselves, as this may result in archive corruption. I would still recommend contacting our technical support if you experience this issue again in the future.
Best regards! :smiley:

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hahaha ok2…thanks for the help… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: