HELP! Custom Video Resolution

Hey there. First Post, big issue. >> How do I change the video resolution to a portrait format? Am I blind or is it currently really not an option?

Currently, I can only switch between 4k, 2k etc… Is there a way to render with custom resolution so i can setup, lets say, a resolution that works with Instagram Reels with a portrait orientation?

Something like that:


Hi urschlerm Sorry that D5 Render does not support custom resolution for the video rendering yet. Btw, if you want to render a photo, you can customize the resolution of the photo.

And usually, you are advised to use video-editing software to customize the video resolution for post-processing.

Hey. no worries. its otherwise a fantastic program.

Is it on your roadmap though? As for your comment, it would be very difficult to get the right aspect and frame done in any video editing software in post-production. I would recommend that you put in on your roadmap as this feature serves well to create very quickly social media content (e.g me as an architect) which finally translates to your own company’s marketing efforts.

At the moment it is tricky to render content for social media. Due to the aspect resolution/aspect limitations. I would rather render them in Corona. This then begs the question of why to use D5 at all. Anyway. I hope you fix that soon.

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Thanks for your advice. This request is already in our RoadMap.
We will keep making improvements.

Hey Ruby, i was searching for the same issue, is it anytime soon ? the custom ratio for videos. Thank you

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