Grass quality different with Video Rendering from Image Render mode

The grass looks more natural rendered out in Image Render mode. Somehow the grass looks bad in Video Mode. I’ve tried several method to render animation, but still does not get good result. Method i’ve tried are:

  1. Change to render Sequence(.png) instead of mp4/avi
  2. Render in 4K
  3. Turned of DLSS Super Resolution

Is there a workaround to fix rendering in Video mode?

First image is render in Image Mode.

hi, i have checked in my recent project. i didnt find that issue so far. grass is same like still render in video sequence render.


how about the preview mode? Is it more similar to an image rendering or a video rendering?

Hi Leah, the preview is somehow showing different thing. will share up the snapshot. Apologize for replying late.

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Thanks! Wait for snapshots.
Just for confirmation, please tell me your current D5 version.