Grainy rendering even at 8k

I’ve been doing some exterior test renderings with no lights other than D5 standard Geo and Sky. The problem is that even at 8k rendering I’m getting a graininess to the foliage, grasses, etc. Is this a limit of the software or am I doing something wrong? I’ve uploaded a 4k test and circled some examples. Thanks

I guess the forum resizes uploads so here is the original 4k Image

Thank you for your feedback. Could you tell me the exact version of D5 you are currently using and the type of graphics you are using? BTW, Which graphic card driver version are you currently using?

Hi. I’m using version My graphics card is an RTX 2080 Ti

My driver is Thanks

Thanks for replying. Could you please send us your scene file? You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

Hi there. Thank you for sending us your file. We tested your file. At the moment your situation is within the expected range. Still thank you for your feedback on this situation.

i have the same proble, the second line of trees, flowers…and more result a bit grainy.
4k or 8k is the same…also in PRO version, how is possible incrase the definition and lost the pixeling?

Hello. Maybe show me a image of your rendering. Also, please note that turning on SR can speed up the rendering, but may result in loss of rendering details. Therefore, you can try turning off SR.

hello Luna, before i tried without SR, in NOT PRO…so i tried PRO thinking resolve the problem but nothing…

Hello. Is this image part of a certain picture? Is it convenient to send me the complete original picture?

…this! thanks

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Thank for your image. We will check it.