Good morning excuse me I get this message please log in with your edu account on the bound device

I have the same problem, any solution? Please

Hi mate, the edu account can be bound to only one device.

but if it’s the same device, I haven’t changed :frowning:

Did you change the hardware or system recently?Did someone use your account before?

No, just update it and no one has used my account

It’s weird, Can you tell your account info and send the log files to us?

How to collect log files:
D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM

Where do I send that information? and what account information do you need?

You can send the link here or to this mail address:

The account user name/email address is okay, no need others.

How can I send you the ZZIPLOG file? is that here does not let me upload it

Here is the official D5 Support e-mail address, Please remember to attach the link of this post so we can position it quickly.

ok thanks, and send it

Can you send the new log files that record the behavior you log in to? These log files don’t contain the login behaviors so we can not find the problem. Thanks a lot.

hi! I have the same problem(

Hi mate, did you log in to your edu account on the other devices?

i have the same problem, please help me! i change the ssd so i re install D5 and now i have the bound device problem.
i upload the zziplog (1.6 MB)

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halo,currently you are unable to log in to your edu account because you have changed the SSD information on your bundled device.Can you log in normally if you change to the memory stick or SSD that was used when you first bound?

Currently, for your personal information security, you cannot change the bound device (including changing the hardware inside the device); if you do so, you will not be able to log in to your edu account, and we will not be able to unbind the device for you.
Therefore, if you need to replace your device, we recommend that you re-apply after the expiration of your current binding period.
Thank you again for your understanding and support!

that is a joke…what a disaster, i will change to another rendering software

Hi! I logged into my account on the official website, I can’t work from my phone, but I sent my application for an educational license from my laptop((

oh, just got able to log in from my phone, but still having problems with the account in the program itself. “Please log in with your edu account on the bound device” don’t get it…

Hello, I hope you’re not forgetting about me, I’ve been trying to solve my account problem for a long time, but I’ve been ignored everywhere…