Id like to start by saying that the newest D5 render software was downloaded including the D5 sync software for Revit. Also, the latest driver version downloaded from NVIDIA for my graphics card.
I created a new scene from 3D geometry exported from Revit using D5 sync. I spent several days carefully applying materials and 3D assets. Despite some slow performance clearly as a result of my computer’s gpu, everything went well otherwise. The only issue I have encountered was that the normal standard glass material when applied to any surface turned that surface invisible. So basically, the material could not be used because anything it converted no longer existed. The only solution I found was to ctrl z and to replace this glass material with a custom translucent material. However, I would really like to experience the benefits of the normal glass material.
Can anyone explain why this is happening? And only happening with the glass materials? Any solutions to this problem would be appreciated. Thank you.