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Hi, does anyone know how to make some kind of render like these? I mean the morning breeze especially with the dews stains on the windows or after rain effect on D5, because I was trying to make one with the water dripping on D5 assest but it doesn’t look like the way I want, thank you

source: archviz by P&M Studio

Hi there,

Have you perhaps tried using the “Water Mark Glass” in Material Asset Library? You may want to try using it and share your results. You can also achieve this kind of effect by adding an Image which resembles this water particle in the “Roughness Map” (you may inspect the Water Mark Glass material to see its composition)

Additionally, I’m not entirely sure if the images were post-processed, there could be a possibility that it was added through Photoshop or perhaps made using with another software.


I also suspect post-processing with an image processing programme.

There are certainly a large number of textures on the Internet - raindrops on glass

It may be possible to use these textures directly in D5.


I am a bit new but is there a way to have dynamic water streaks on glas surface like in Lumion or is there kinda work around this issue in D5?