Fog effect in projector

How to give fog effect in projector without afftecting the fog rest of the scene.

Hi @binu_alex, would it be possible to share some images to help us understand what you are trying to achieve? Perhaps a screenshot of your scene and a reference image would be helpful.


in this they are giving fog effect on projector, when i tried same will affect the full scene, what i am expecting a film project effect without affecting the environment.

Hi there,

I apologize but we currently do not support such feature yet but I will surely convey such suggestion: Separating the Fog effect of the Projector and the Environment. Thank you.

but in that video it shows a effect of projecting a video?

Hi there,

I apologize for the confusion. The exterior environment is not clearly shown in the video tutorial’s interior scene featuring the projector. Enabling the Fog option to emphasize the projector’s light will also apply the fog effect to the surrounding environment. Thus, if the scene includes an exterior view, the environmental fog will be visible. We have yet to incorporate an option that separates the “Fog” Effect of the environment and the Projector but I have conveyed this suggestion to my team earlier. Thank you.

Thanks for your reply

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