Hello everyone
I am asking for help to obtain the aged effect of the photo in the flooring that I have in d5 render.
How can I obtain it?
Hi 3, to get the age aged, you have to do nothing but add the mapping of the flower with the hexagonal tiles. It depends on the programs you know how to use, I think almost everyone.
The first thing and download the map you need, I downloaded images from Google by capturing your reference image it is to insert it in the search, it gave me this:
! [Image | 690x388] (Upload: //3dxbno5x8b1hkgytcudzlymq5l6.jpeg)
Then I went to download the image, on this site:
And it would be this change and clean with Adobe Photoshop
Then I used Autocad to build the floor shirt
It is not very precise, but to make you understand how to do it, then print in jpg with the size of the tile shirt, example if you have a 3.00 mt x3.00MT maglio then the mold by taking exactly the size of the sweater that s’ It perfectly frames on the sides of the tiles as if it were a uniform placed. So from the measurements that you have calculated you must set the printing card in the properties giving the volore in pixels that is 3mt in pixels are 3000 then select the card you have formed with scale 1 that should enter the sheet made by you, look well the location if You have to do it vertically or horizontally. Then print and save it your folder of the mappings giving him a name. At this point you have the map to insert it in the flooring of the graphics program you use, systems in the leaders you want and then synchronize with D5. At this point it is enough to use to the other mappals, such as roughness, normal, in this case, regularize it as you want.
I hope I helped you
This is the result you would see my job
Hi, I see that you didn’t answer my help, maybe you solved the problem or not, in this case I give you further help. You will insert the tile of the tile that you refer to you, so you can insert it in your project.
Next to the file name there is a size, I’ll show you how it is on D5
thanks Riccardo
I’m looking for a method that avoids me creating the texture as you suggested because the repetition of the cement tiles is very visible and I want to avoid it.
It would be better to be able to apply a new aging map but there is no slot to insert it.
Look, I put the mapping of the tiles without using that method, just download it from the forum, and insert it and then with the other mappings revenues
Or, you can do this, take an immahine in a single color in old tint to the transforming into a gray scale and insert it, see you have the desired effect