I’m having a problem with D5’s assets, it’s scaling the objects in a way I don’t like: I know that for vegetation, if you keep a tree and reckon with it, it sets random sizes and that’s fine, but now, several times I find myself at the first click with a tiny scale for a hedge, then it’s the tale and parasol like on my image where I find my characters too small…
Have I missed something? A key on my keyboard was locked on capitals, maybe?
I’m going to do some more tests
Hi, @julienfischel
Apologies for the trouble that it causes you. Is this the first time you’ve encountered this problem? Or has this issue happened suddenly? Also, is this the only file with this kind of issue, or is it happening to all your files? We do appreciate the additional information that you will collect on this matter.
I will check for a few time and tell you if this happens again
Actually, I’ve just checked: what surprises me is the size of this garden furniture. I carefully measured the height of the seat and the table and here are the measurements I got. A chair with a seat of 64 cm is already very high for me, who’s 1.83 cm tall. The chairs in my house have a seat height of 45 cm.
My desk and kitchen table are 75 cm.
So the D5 chair is almost 20 cm higher… the table 13 cm.
Then on the other picture I’ve taken a chair at random from the interior furniture and you can see that the size matches my ‘standards’.
Think of the children who climb on these garden chairs!
Hello, @julienfischel
Thank you for pointing this out, and we appreciate your time and effort in investigating this matter. I will bring this up to our team so they can check over this issue more closely. We will update you as soon as we receive an assessment from them.
Thank you for your patience and understanding to D5 Render
Have a great day!