When I tried rendering out an image sequence in exr(raw). The colorspace seems wrong as everything look overbright to a level that it can’t be color correct down to match what was showing on screen. ( You can see in the attached image)
Have you turned on the Auto Exposure? and if you render it separately instead of in image sequence, does the problem persist?
Also, please select the model and let me have a look at your model location information.
I didn’t turn on Auto Exposure as it will affect my color correction settings. But let me try that now. Thanks !
Also attched is the model’s basic information :
Hi, it is not recommended to turn on auto exposure, please try to turn down the brightness of the sun a bit to see the results.
If you render it separately instead of in image sequence, does the problem persist?
Hey, what is the version of your D5 Render? Is it Version
If it’s convenient, can you send the scene file (The entire compressed folder where the .drs file is located) to support@d5techs.com, and please describe the problem and better attach a link to this post, we can check it for you. Thanks!