I am experiencing an issue when trying to log in. I received the following message:
“Please log in with your edu account on the bound device.”
I recently moved to a new location with the same device, and since then, I have been unable to access the program. I would appreciate any assistance you could provide to resolve this issue.
Thank you for your help. I look forward to your response.
Hi there,
Did you perhaps modify your device? Perhaps an additional HDD or storage? we prohibit license transfers due to new devices or modification of hardware. When your current license expires, you can simply reapply on your new device again. Thank you for your understanding. 
How can I reapply on your new device again?
Hi there,
You can reapply after your current Student License expires. The reapplication process is the same as the application process, so you may need to access the D5 Render application then in your log-in page proceed to “apply for D5 Education”
My license won’t expire until June. Is there any way to reapply before then? Or is it possible to change the bound device?
Hi there,
Please check your DMs, I have asked for further description and clarification. Thank you.
Hi i have the same problem do you any solution to transfer my edu license in another pc?
Hi @mitchelle.plaza
Unfortunately, we prohibit license transfers due to new devices or modification of hardware . When your current license expires, you can simply reapply on your new device again. Thank you for your understanding.