Ease in and out animation

Hi, I have noticed that the animation is much improved and smoother- many thanks! However when making a video ease out you use ease in and out on both movement and rotation which works well but the animation sequence prior now seems to speed up/accelerate slightly- its like it does not distribute the frames properly?

Is this a known issue?



Hello, Ease in and out itself is an animation with an accelerated effect, are you finding any problems with the current animation? If possible you can use a video to better show your needs or suggestions.

Whats the best way to gradually ease out a video on the last key frame with out causing the video to accelerate beforehand?

Hi! I think you can adjust the curves of the effect yourself.

Hi, Yes i am adjusting the curve myself - the problem i find is that if i try a create a very gradual slow down it creates a speed up in the sequence prior.

Hi, Please note that it only becomes noticeable across 4 or 5 key frames/cameras ( not 2 as you have shown in the screen shot0

Really sorry for your issue. Could you please show us your video? It may be helpful for us to solve your problem.

Hi Luna,

Can you send me an email address for me to share videos?

Ok! Really sorry for forget to provide the email. You can send your video to this email support@d5techs.com, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to it. :heart:

Hi! We have checked your email and made a video for your need. Hope this can help you achieve the effect you want. WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free
If you have any other problems, feel free to contact me.

Hi Luna,

Thank you for your email but the effect you have shown does not achieve what i am looking for- i want the animation to gradually slow down to stationary and not stop suddenly- is this possible without creating speed up prior to the end sequence?



Thanks for your feedback. I think that on the basis of the video I provided, perhaps if you set the time of the last frame to be longer (longer than the time of the last linear frame), it might help you achieve the effect you want.

Hi Luna,

Unfornately this does not achieve a gradual slow down to stationary- however i have managed to achieve the right effect with the below settings:

custom settings

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Wow! Really thanks for feedback! This will be very helpful for others who would like to achieve the same effect!