Depth of field problem in 2.6

Hello D5-Team,

I think there is a problem with the depth of field in the new version 2.6. The depth of field still seems to be OK in the editor window (left image). But after starting rendering, the quality of the rendered image deteriorates significantly (right image). It’s not just the glowing materials but also the edges of the furniture that are blurred. The carpet directly in front of the chair appears to be sharper in the editor window also.

best regards


I found a solution. After turning off the “D5 SR image rendering beta” the result seems to be ok again.

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Thanks for your update. :partying_face:

I turned it off but it did not affect the result, the image still has noticeable deterioration, maybe can be fixed in the next minor updates?

It would be great if you could show us a video or screenshot about this problem.

the issue im facing is the same as Albareus mentioned but even after I turn off the sr option blur effect remains deteriorated

Try updating the driver. Could help eventually.

Did you turn on the Depth of Field? Is your preview and output both blurry? Is this the case for all scenes?