Default Format to JPG and Preset Size

Is it possible to default the format for all scenes to JPG and Preset Size to 2k? Or to bulk change all scenes to those settings? I’m using 2.6 (which is amazing!)

Hi, in 2.6 Photo mode, you can multiselect several scenes on the left list (hold Ctrl or Shift), then choose 2k and JPG, then add all to the render queue.
This is faster then previous versions, although there is no option to set default format and size…

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Thank you that did work.

The problem is, you have to change the setting every time you add a new scene or open a new project.

The default saving in the system wise is needed.

Thanks for your advice. I will convey your idea to our team. You can also share your idea in the idea& request channel. This may allow more staff to see your needs and accelerate their realisation.

Thanks for sharing your needs.

It’s not about my needs. It’s a miss not to have an option to change the default saving file from PNG to JPG.

Thanks for the advice, we will try to improve it.