Dedicated Button for editing & checking material

Hey D5,

So each time i need to edit or tweak any material in D5, i have to

  1. Lock my model without which i cannot double click on the model.\
  2. Double click to edit material. but it doesn’t always click correctly due to FPS of scene even on low settings.

Model size very high scene has a lot going on so editing and adding materials and planting etc becomes very taxing.
Maybe adding a dedicated button for the material just like the buttons about for scatter assets/node based movement assest placement etc. one for editting material should also be given.

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I dint know u can do that by pressing I
u get the material picker.
Still a dedicated button would be appreciated. As i dint know the shortcut was.


Hello, sry for the late reply. We have a button here for the material picker:

Have a nice day!