Dark Shadows

I know probably a lot of people may encounter this, and a lot of them not, but I usually care about details in shadows.
here are 2 Renders, one in D5 and one in 3dsMax Vray:

I honestly love a lot of stuff about the D5 one, it’s better in many way, but there is a huge problem you don’t find on Vray one. and that’s the truly Dark shadows. like look at the legs of the conference table in both images. the D5 one is pure darkness. same goes for dark spots of the chairs.

the local exposure did help a bit, but the problem exists anyway. how do you suggest I solve this?

Hi @mj.entrepreneur.hd,

Thanks for your feedback. I have conveyed this issue to our team.
For now, are these two images with basically the same parameters? If you try to adjust the light in the scene, the environment light, the fill light, as well as the post-processing parameters, would that improve things a bit?

well they are kinda same, really, sources of light are same. in matter of adjusting the lights, it doesn’t help with shadows, it will make lights brighter mostly. with local exposure I can try to go higher in exposure and lower highlights, or lower exposure with lower shadows, but it doesn’t really affect the intensity of the shadows. I can add a light under the table’s top to reduce the darkness, but it doesn’t really help, since it actually makes it unrealistic.
the shadows are even darker when the render is compelete! I mean they are better in view port.
vray also have exclude and include for lights that make dealing with this easier, for example I can put a light where camera is and only affect table, whereas in D5 hte ground will lit too, making it unrealistic. as you see in this picture:

in this picture I adjusted color temperature, lightning materials to make it same as Vray one, but as you see the dark shadow still remains. the undefeated! also you see the ground is way brighter, because of the light I placed where camera is.

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Thanks for your clarification, I will convey it to our team.

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