D55 crashing

Hi guys!

I downloaded DR5 yesterday cause I was curious to try it but, when I open a file of Rhino and launch the render engine, it says that I have to open dr5 manually.
I did it but after some seconds my monitor turned all black so I had to force shut down my PC. (which has only 5 days of live :sweat_smile:)

I have a i9 13rd generation
NVIDIA RTX 4060 8gb laptop
32 gb RAM

Someone can help me?

Sorry for your issue. Can you show me your pop-up window?
What’s the version of your D5 and Plugin?
Please tell me your windows version, graphics card driver version and dedicated GPU memory usage when running D5, you can refer to the following images.
You can refer to this post first, if the problem persists, let us know.
Crashes/Restarts/Fails to Load - Get Help / How to - D5 RENDER FORUM