D5- Video Timeline Not in Sync with as shown in the videostips thumbnails

the timeline vertical bar indicator does not sync with the preview thumbnail strip it has a skip delay of 4-thumbnails more or less and does not jump to the exact thumbnail preview where you want to start the playback…it skips 4 paces to the left instead of spot-on. kinda confusing when ur adjusting time for each frame sequence… :cold_sweat:

appreciate if someone could help out…

heres the video-clip

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Hi! Could you please share your D5 scene file as well? This may help us better check your issue.

sorry luna…cant share… but i saw this issue was mentioned by other users… im guessing its a software issues not file issue…

OK, that’s no problem. We will check it as well.

u should know it already…as you may try using your own pc… its pretty clear the indicator doesnt sync or match with the individual frame shown in the timeline during PLAYBACK nor individual selection of a sequence it JUMPS and wont stick to the chosen frame…for playback… as shown on the video i sent…

Yeah, this is a known issue. This should have something to do with the length of each shot, if the length of each shot is uneven, the thumbnails and the blue pointer are hard to align. We may improve it in the future.
I suggest you can vote for this post. VIDEO PLAYBACK TIMELINE issue & ideas - Ideas & Requests - D5 RENDER FORUM