D5 Starting issue

I am Having trouble starting D5, it keep saying DLL error

I followed the link and have tried all of the solutions, still have the same problem, I even removed the most recent NVidia driver and installed a previous version, reinstalled the software, repair the dll files by using the tool you are provided, still the same problem

Please help

I think you can refer to this post to deal with your issue. Why prompt ‘The program cannot be launched because of DLL errors in the system’? | User Manual (d5render.com)

If this does not work, I suggest you delete D5 completely and reinstall it.
Delete these folders with the d5 prefix from your personal folder on your C drive and reinstall.


I have done every single step, did not miss any of that and still have the same problem. it is very frustrating and I cant do any work.

Hello Karen

I Have this Problem in version 2.4 a I copy my solution, Now I never have the DLL error again, I Hope it works for you. I copy my post at this time

"I had this problem for 3 months but I solved it as I describe in the post that I transcribe here,

I have two Workstations with two Pro licenses in each one, both with the same system and configuration, but when updating to version 2.4 in one of them the Dll error problem appeared.

It seems that when D5 is loaded or updated, this file is deleted by the antivirus or the firewall, or I don’t know what, but not always.

For more than 2 months I tried all the solutions on the forum except the remote intervention of my PC by the D5 support team.

I solved it by replacing the incorrectly loaded Dll manually in Windows System 32.

There are several solutions on the internet on how to do it, many of them did not let me replace the file because the permissions did not allow it even though I had allowed them.

In order not to harm the equipment, my IT consultant did it to configure the system for me, and he could only do it by renaming the Dll file with a different name, then the permissions worked.

This is the forum link for this problem, there is a solution out there that works better for you than it does for me.

https://forum.d5render.com/t/got-notification-of-launch-failure-might-be-caused-by-system-dlls-missing-try-to-repair-it-automatically-or-stop- loading-at-0/3159

And if not, here you have instructions on how to change the DLL manually, look for the one that is most suitable for your system.



Sketchup dll error SketchUp"

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Thank you so much JoeLouis for your assistance,. Unfortunately, I have tried that exact methed and still not working, also, it is not sayin which dll is the missling. It is only saying dll errors


Thanks for your help.

Really sorry for your issue. Is it convenient for you to accept remote support? We can provide remote support from 10.00 am to 18.00 pm HKT on weekdays.

I’ve tried every single step and still no luck. I even formatted my pc and installed a fresh windows 11 and still the same problem. it so so frustrating and really delaying my work.

I am not sure about the remote support as the time difference is just really late from where i live and no one would be at the office at this time.

I am very sorry for your problem. Do you have cpu overclocking turned on? If so, try turning it off. Also, is your current cpu i9-13900K or i9-14900K? If it is, you can refer to this post. Does the CPU have a big impact on D5? | User Manual (d5render.com)

Best regards

Thank you for your reply. I did that and still no luck. I still get the same problem.

I get this massage

and here is my pc spec


Devices with Intel Core i9-13900K and i9-14900K processors running D5 and other DX12 software may experience this kinds of error. It’s advisable to update the BIOS to the latest version. You can check this post: Does the CPU have a big impact on D5? | User Manual

Unfortunately, we already did update the BIOS but it is still having the same issue. I think we need to have some sort of share screen troubleshooting maybe on discord or something.

Hi! Please check your DM.