D5 Render does not see the library of materials and models, icons are missing

Good evening! My name is Daulet, I’m from Kazakhstan, I had such an unpleasant situation.
I installed the D5 Render program, but when opening this program, I do not see the library, or rather, it does not display the icons of the library of materials and models. Please correct this error. Thank you in advance.

Hello, this could mainly because network is not good to connect to our server. Please try switching a network then see the result? Also, please turn off VPN or proxy settings
Do you use a company network? You may also check whether AV software or firewall is blocking our net connection.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this issue.

I checked everything as you said, it still doesn’t show anything

Hello, could you please send me two folders that contain logs? we will check why this issue happens.

  1. A folder called logs, in the installation directory of D5 2.0
  2. A folder called Saved, in C:/Users/your account/AppData/local/d5_immerse


d5_immerse.zip (159.8 KB)
logs.zip (672.5 KB)

Добрый день! так что с программой? она так и не работает

Hello, we checked the log and found the network connection is not good, could you please try using VPN to connect to our library? (For example, Europe node or Japanese node)